
V. V. Tuzov’s Journal Podenshchina (Day Labour): Poetics and Ideology

The article shows that the journal Podenshchina (Day Labour) published in 1769 is of interest from both formal and information point of view. The peculiarity of its structure lies in the plot unity where the central character is an imaginary journal publisher. The content of Podenshchina magazine is characterized by its educational policy.

Unidentified Varravin. To the Poetics of A. V. Sukhovo-Kobylin’s Characters

The article regards the character of General Varravin – the main and only character moving the scheme forward in the drama «The Case» by A. V. Sukhovo-Kobylin. The ambiguity and inconsistency of this character are specifically highlighted.

First Futuristic

The article considers the issue of «futurism and war» in philosophical, cultural, aesthetic aspects. The analysis of the futuristic poetics confirms the fact that this phenomenon was historically determined in national and world culture.

Subject, Problem Range, Poetics of the Story Title by A. F. Pisemsky «The Comic Actor» (1851)

The article presents an integral analysis of a set short story by A. F. Pisemsky «The Comic Actor» in correlation to the writer’s poetics and to the ideological and aesthetic framework of the «young editorial staff» of the Moskvityanin journal.

Belles-lettres of the «Young Editorial Board» of the Moskvityanin Journal. The Novel by Ye. E. Driansky Odarka-Gaggle and the Novel by A. F. Pisemsky Slugger

The article considers the debut novels by A. F. Pisemsky and Ye. E. Driansky, which defined the development direction for the prose department of Moskvityanin journal during the ‘young editorial board’ time under the supervision of A. N. Ostrovskiy. Specific features of the individual styles of both writers and the closeness of their aesthetic positions to the program of the journal have been defined.
