Mass Media

Representing Judicial Power in the Russian and English Printed Media Discourse: Activation Strategy

The author examines discursive means of framing the judiciary system image that actualizes the activation strategy. The paper focuses on two variants of this strategy: positive and negative ones constructing a positive or a negative image of judicial power respectively.

Mass Media Manipulation Techniques as a Subject of Literary Reflection in V. Pelevin’s Prose of 2010s

The article analyzes the features of media discourse of the literary reflection in V. Pelevin’s novels Zenith Codex’s of Al-Efesbi and S.N.U.F.F. Media technologies are considered as a theme and as a technique on the plot, structure, and intertextual levels.

Verbal Reactions to Evaluative Negative Statements (on the Material of a Political Interview)

The article considers ways and means of verbal reactions of the Russian and the American presidents to the evaluative negative statements of mass media representatives in the course of interviews and press-conferences.

Witnesses’ Evidence as One of the Techniques of Information Manipulation in Mass Media

The article studies instances of information tweaking in mass media texts. The author considers the pressure on the audience on the example of such a technique as bringing in the evidence of the witnesses. The article draws on the texts published in socio-political periodicals Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Izvestiya, Moskovskiy Komsomolets.

The Usage of Multimedia and Interactive Features of the Internet in Electronic Newspapers of Tatarstan

The article presents the results of a comparative content analysis of interviews in online newspapers Business online and in the Russian and Tatar languages in the period from 1 June, 2012 to 1 January, 2014. Units of analysis and calculation are the subject-matter, layout, journalist’s stylistic devices, as well as the use of the original online media properties. 160 interviews have been analyzed.

Speech Etiquette in Mass Media as a Factor Driving Russian Society Speech Culture

Based on the broad understanding of speech etiquette it is examined in the article how mass media impacts both positively and negatively – due to the infringement of its norm – speech and behavior of people, and even the future of the language.

The Image of Woman in Politics as Reflected in Internet Mass Media of the Republic of Tatarstan

In the article the analysis of the image of women-politicians of Tatarstan is suggested, based on the publications in Internet media. On the basis of qualitative content analysis of texts published in the Internet media the classification of image types is given, each of them is characterized. The images of five women-politicians are analyzed in terms of personal and social character traits.
